Honors / Awards


We are proud of Anthony’s numerous Honors and Awards, including:

• Anthony was bestowed the honor of being appointed to lecture to New York State Judges by the Dean of the Judicial Institute, Hon. Kathie Davidson, in January 2022 concerning “Presiding Over Civil Jury Trials”. Thereafter, Anthony was asked to help create, co-author, lecture and perform “live” as the plaintiff’s Trial Lawyer to simulate what happens during a Trial, in a 7 Part Video-taped series, concerning Pre-Trial matters to Summation, entitled “Jury Trial Simulation Series”. The basis of the series was an actual Trial in which Anthony was the plaintiff’s Trial Attorney. Anthony works with the Judicial Institute’s Dean and Assistant Deputy Counsel, along with two incredible Jurists and defense attorney per Module to make this lecture and simulation series the best it can be for our State’s Judges.

• Anthony is the Affiliate President of the New York State Trial Lawyers (NYSTLA) for the Westchester Region: 2011-2022.

• Dean of NYSTLI, 2015-2022: in 2015, Anthony was honored to be selected as “Dean” of NYSTLI. Anthony is humbled by this honor, and stands amongst those in his profession who are his mentors, actively engaging in the Continuing Legal Education of NYSTLA Members. Anthony serves as a Dean and Lectures and hosts Continuing Legal Education Courses for NYSTLI for hundreds of lawyers each year. He, along with Co-Chair and Past President, Leslie Kelmachter, were selected to Teach “Gary Pillersdorf’s Bootcamp for Lawyers”, in honor of Gary, who was one of the best Trial Lawyers in the Nation. 

• Chairman, Return to Jury Trial Committee for 9th JD, 2020-2021: appointed and served as the Chairman of the Return to Jury Trial Committee for the 9th Judicial District by Administrative Judge Kathie Davidson. Drafted the written protocols for trials during the Pandemic (including Pre-Trial Conferences, Motions in Limine, opt-out provision in accordance with the CDC Guidelines, how evidence would be presented to safeguard jurors, witness presentation and shield/mask wearing, etc.); drafted Court Room diagram for Social Distancing; conducted interviews of the Commissioners of Health; Commissioners of Jurors, Chief Clerk and Senior Judges for the Counties in the 9th J.D., including HVAC Technicians and Audio-Visual Professionals; worked with Administrative Judge and her staff and, together, as a Team, we accomplished a safe return to Jury Trials on 9/16/20. Due to the meticulous safety protocols implemented by the Court and Protocols that were followed, not one juror or any Trial participant contracted the Coronavirus. Trials were the suspended by the Governor after two months, and then partially resumed on 3/22/21.

• The National Trial Lawyers Top 100, Member 2015-2022

• Medical Malpractice Advisory Committee for NYC Member, 2020: at the request of Administrative Judge Deborah Kaplan. Serving with 6 Judges and 15 lawyers to advise and help create the best procedures and protocols for Medical Malpractice cases regarding Discovery, Dispute Resolution and Trials.

• Gagliardi Award of Excellence Committee Member, 2017: Anthony was honored to be asked to serve (and did serve) on the Committee to determine two worthy non-judicial court employee recipients of this distinguished award.

• Hon. Janet DiFiore Excellence Initiative Committee Member of the Westchester County Bar Association, 2016: Anthony was honored to be appointed to the Chief Judge Janet DiFiore’s Committee. The purpose of the Committee was to meet with fellow members and obtain opinions from the bench and bar as to what is great about the Judicial System, and what could be done to improve it. 

• Defender of Justice Award by the NYSTLA, 2016: approximately 16 people were recognized by the New York State Trial Lawyers Association’s then President, Evan Goldberg: Anthony was one of them. Anthony devotes approximately 240+ hour a year to his work for the Trial Lawyers, in support of the goals to preserve the Civil Justice System, to ensure that victim’s rights are heard, and to foster an environment of understanding and change when necessary to achieve these goals and to Teach Continuing Legal Education Programs to lawyers. Anthony is extremely honored to receive this gracious Award and proud to be the Affiliate President of NYSTLA for the Westchester Region.

• Scarsdale Police PBA Award, 2014: the Scarsdale Police Force is a very important part of our community, and they tirelessly work to keep us safe. They think of others in so many ways, and support people in need and our soldiers. To be recognized by the men and women of the Scarsdale Police PBA is a great honor. 

• “Leading Attorneys in New York”, as published in Newsweek, March 2012

• NYSTLA “Outstanding Service” Award, June 2012.

• “2012 Top Auto Accident Attorneys”, Car & Driver Magazine, 2012

• The American Dream Award, WCTD, Inc, 2001: this award was presented to Anthony Pirrotti, Jr. Esq. for his achievements on behalf of his clients and for his contribution to them and his community.


The greatest Honor is to represent clients like you, and to be trusted, when you are vulnerable, to do everything he can to get you what you deserve.